5 Ways To Maintain Your Parquet Flooring
May 26, 201911 Worst Mistakes People Make In Flooring Installation
May 26, 2019 Carpet flooring has been in existence for many centuries mainly due to the many good qualities it possesses. It is also by far the coziest and yet practical flooring method making it the perfect choice for both residential and commercial settings.
Selecting the right carpet can seem like a daunting task to some given the influx of this product in the market. However, a little research can go a long way in alleviating this anxiety while saving you some cash in the process.
Modern carpets come in different types which is why it is important to know the qualities of each and every one of them. This makes sure you aren’t one of those buyers who are duped into believing the most expensive carpets are the best. In order to make this type of textured flooring work, here are some essential factors to consider thus making the selection process easier;
Carpet quality
Carpets are made from different materials like synthetic fiber (nylon) and polyester which have a common characteristic – durability. Such materials are meant to last for a long time without showing any signs of wear and tear. Nylon is also stain resistant which ensures the carpet doesn’t stain easily or attract dirt.
The make of the carpet should also be taken seriously as it determines whether it will be high maintenance or not. Higher density carpets tend to last longer than lower density ones thus, you want to check on that. To get a “plush” carpet, look for one that is soft to the touch and cushy which also lasts longer as it wears out at a slower rate. They are also stylish and classy adding instant glamour to a room.
The use of the room
There are certain rooms that do not go well with this type of floorings for bathrooms and kitchens. This is because such rooms have a high propensity of getting wet and dirty due to the nature of the processes that go in there. This can pose a challenge when it comes to maintaining the level of hygiene required in such rooms. Choosing an easy to clean type of floor like ceramic tiles is therefore advised for such problematic areas.
The cost
The type of carpet you settle for will determine the amount of money you will have to pay for it. Higher density carpets, for instance, will make you dig deeper into your pockets as they are of better quality. This isn’t necessarily bad as the product is guaranteed to last you a long time. Don’t be too quick to buy cheap carpets as their quality might be compromised meaning you will be shopping for another one sooner rather than later. Be on the lookout for carpet sales from dealers who want to clear their old stock as you might land a good deal.
The traffic
Foot traffic should be taken into consideration when it comes to selecting the best carpet flooring for a room. If for instance, you are shopping for one for that office hallway that is used by half the office, a durable one should be at the top of your list. The same goes for the main stairs in a home which are frequently used by everyone. You want one that will not show signs of aging after a few months thus be careful.
The maintenance cost
The type of carpet determines whether it is high maintenance or not. Some basic rules like constant vacuuming cut across any carpet type. This is a simple yet effective method of ridding the carpet of any accumulated dirt through suction. This dirt, if left unchecked, can slowly wear out your carpet through the seams and tufts, therefore, shouldn’t be ignored. Professional carpet cleaning is called for every once in a while to clean stains and stubborn dirt ensuring longevity.
The installation
Unless it is a small area rug, installing a carpet shouldn’t be left to amateurs as it is an intricate process. This is because it requires not only a staple gun but also some installation skills. Unless you have those, better to hire a pro than to mess up the carpet when cutting it to fit. You don’t want the seams on your carpet to be popping out as it won’t look pretty, besides, they might cause accidents. Removing the furniture in a room can also be overwhelming for an unprepared person thus, find help. This way, you will be guaranteed that the installation will go on without a hitch for a smoother finish.
Pros of carpet flooring
· This type of floor is easier to maintain as it doesn’t require constant polishing and cleaning. A good old vacuum cleaner that can be bought or hired regularly does the trick.
· This type of floor is perfect for adding some charm or warmth to a room creating the perfect ambiance.
· Modern carpets are built to resist stains which also mean less cleaning compared to other floor types which make them more durable.
· They come in many beautiful designs and colors thus giving one option to match the interior décor for a coordinated look.
· They are soft to the touch making them ideal to walk barefoot especially in a home setting.
· Carpets have traction, unlike some floors which are slippery and require additional expenses to make them anti-slippery. Therefore, to avoid such accidents, use this type of floor.
· If you want to tiptoe on any floor and be successful at it, go with a carpet. This is the same concept that makes them minimize sounds as they absorb them making them ideal for bedrooms and offices.
Cons of carpet flooring
· Although you can do wall-to-wall carpeting, some rooms like bathrooms and kitchens can pose a problem interrupting your decor plans.
· People with allergies find carpets to be a nuisance as they contain allergens like dirt, fibers, dust and many more.
· Staining that is left unchecked on a carpet can cause more harm than good as it becomes smelly.
· Spills on carpets should be highly avoided because if the moisture is not dried properly, mold can develop underneath it without much notice. This can slowly eat at the carpet until it becomes noticeable calling for a replacement.
· It is important to consider another flooring option if your home has a pet as they can litter on it. This can result in high maintenance costs especially if it happens frequently. Professional carpet cleaning will be the order of the day which is a costly affair.