What Type Of Wood Flooring Is Most Value For Money in Singapore?
May 26, 2019How To Choose Decking For Balcony in Singapore?
May 26, 2019While you are planning to change your flooring to wood flooring and you have a pet dog then you must think of wood flooring for door which may not harm your pet. Though there are various types of floorings that are suitable for you pet dog like laminate, carpet, hardwood or bamboo flooring but if you are interested only in wood flooring for your home then there are several types of wood flooring that can be considered which may not only keep your dog safe but also enhance the elegant looks of your home. Though most of the wood floorings are not completely scratch resistant but while choosing wood flooring for your home you must select flooring which is least resistant to scratches and dents made by your dog. 4 types of wood floorings are discussed in brief in this article that will not harm your dog.
Brazilian Walnut hardwood flooring: Hardwood flooring is available in various choices which you can use as per your budget and lifestyle Durable hardwood floorings should be selected if you have a big pet dog which may include flooring from cherry, oak, hickory, maple, balsa, elm, sycamore or mahogany. There are several other hardwood floorings that you should avoid if you have a dog at your home. These floorings include Cedar, Birch, redwood, pine, larch or fir as they are softer types of wood floorings that are more prone to scratches made by your pet. Brazilian walnut hardwood flooring is considered the best wood flooring for door and wood flooring but choosing one for your home depends upon your individual choice.
Hard maple wood flooring: Hard maple flooring is another best choice for your wood flooring for door if your have pet dog as it is considered the best scratch resistant flooring. Hard maple flooring is used since long in constructing basketball courts so it is considered as the best for pets. But while choosing maple flooring you should be particular to hard maple which is also known as rock or sugar maple not any old maple.
Red oak wood flooring: This type wood flooring is capable of hiding scratches caused by your pet dog due to its strong graining. Though all type of oak wood can be used for wood flooring for door but especially red oak wood flooring has stronger graining than white oak. It hides the dents and scratches excellently as compared to other hard wood floorings like Brazilian walnut flooring.
Bamboo wood flooring: Bamboo flooring is primarily used for its durability and eco friendly benefits as well as toughness. It is one of the best floorings for the homes having big pet dogs. But you should be very particular about some options while choosing bamboo flooring for your home with pet dog. The bamboo should neither be stained as they catch scratches easily nor caramelized bamboo as they get weaker when heated. You should choose strand bamboo wood flooring for door if you are eager for it. Though bamboo flooring is harder than even oak but still displays scratches and dents easily.